Mar Menor Golf Resort and Spa Mar Menor Golf Resort and Spa

Torre-Pacheco, Murcia, Murcia, SPAIN 

Year-round recreation in Spains sunny Murcia.
With a nine-hole golf course, luxury spa, two pools, a Kids Club and six restaurants and bars, Mar Menor Golf Resort and Spa gives new meaning to the word “leisure”. Located just five minutes from Europe’s largest inland sea, the hotel is also near the Nicklaus Golf Trail and cultural treasures in the towns of Cartagena and Murcia..

Hotel description

Year-round recreation in Spains sunny Murcia.
With a nine-hole golf course, luxury spa, two pools, a Kids Club and six restaurants and bars, Mar Menor Golf Resort and Spa gives new meaning to the word “leisure”. Located just five minutes from Europe’s largest inland sea, the hotel is also near the Nicklaus Golf Trail and cultural treasures in the towns of Cartagena and Murcia.

Hotel information

info 10% I.V.A (VAT) included. 

Hotel rooms

Single room, B&B
Double room
One bedroom apartment
Two bedroom apartment
Three bedroom apartment

Hotel facilities

Yes Swimming pool  Yes WiFi  Yes Internet access  Yes Restaurant  Yes Gym  Yes Spa  Yes Babysitting service  Yes Swimming pool (outdoor)  Yes Sauna 

Near by Mar Menor Golf Resort and Spa

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• Plaza de las Orquideas • Edificio Orquidea - Local 6 • 29660 NUEVA ANDALUCÍA • MARBELLA • MÁLAGA • SPAIN •
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